
Knock Knock Jokes

Will You Remember Me

Bob: "Will you remember me tomorrow?"
Bill: "Yes"
Bob "Will you remember me next week?"
Bill  "Yes"
Bob: "Will you remember me next month??"
Bill: "Yes"
Bob: "Will you remember me next year?"
Bill: "Yeah"
Bob: "Knock Knock"
Bill: "Who's There?"
Bob: "See, you forgot me already!"

Knock Knock Ketchup

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Ketchup who?
Catch up with me and I'll tell you!

Knock Knock - Cow

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Cow goes.
Cow goes who?
No, cow goes "Moo!"

Knock Knock - Mop

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Smell mop.
Smell mop who?! (smell ma poo)

Knock Knock - Carrie

Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
Carrie who?
Carrie on with what you're doing, I'm at the wrong door.

Knock Knock - Christmas

Knock, knock?
Who's there?
Megan and chicken
Megan and chicken who?
He's megan a list and chicken it twice, he's gonna find out who's naughty and nice...

Knock Knock - Strange

Knock knock?
Who's there?
Stranger who?
Didn't your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers?

Knock Knock - Cargo

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Cargo who?
Car go Beep Beep!

Knock Knock - Abbott

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Abbott who?
Abbott time you answered the door!

Knock Knock - Woo

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Woo who?
I know, it's exciting for me too!

Knock Knock - Jewell

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Jewell who?
Jewell know if you open the door!

Knock Knock - Shelby

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Shelby who?
Shelby comin' round the mountain when she comes

Knock Knock - Cry Baby

Knock Knock...
Who's There?
Boo...Boo Who?
Stop crying it's just a joke!

Knock Knock - Broken Pencil

Knock, knock
Who's there?
You ever hear the joke about the broken pencil?
You ever hear the joke about the broken pencil who?
Nevermind, it's pointless.

Orange and Banana

Knock Knock! Who's there? Banana! Banana who?
Knock Knock! Who's there? Banana! Banana who?
Knock Knock! Who's there? Banana! Banana who?
Knock Knock! Who's there? Orange! Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn't say Banana!

Knock Knock - Atch

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Atch who?
Bless You!  I didn't know you were sick!

Knock Knock - Luke

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Luke who?
Luke through the keyhole and you will find out!

Knock Knock - Anna

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Anna who?
Anna one, anna two...!

Knock Knock - Hatch

Knock, Knock.
Who's there?
Hatch who?
Cover your mouth when you sneeze!

Cross the Road - Abode

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: To get to the house.
Knock Knock! (Who's there?) The chicken!

Knock Knock - Abe

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Abe who?
A be C D E F G H...!

Annie Who?

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Annie who?
Annie one you like!

Knock Knock - Doris

Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
Doris who?
Doris locked that’s why I am knocking!

Knock Knock - Dishes

Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Dishes who?
Dishes the police, come out with your hands up!

Knock Knock - Gorilla

Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Gorilla who?
Gorilla me a hamburger, I'm hungry!

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